Tuesday, November 22, 2011


i am confused should i get one or should i get that new porsche its confusing cuz its alot of money|||Being only 17, going on 18, and entering the Air Force, you probably should not make too many big decisions. You won't make enough for the car for quite some time

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>|||well there are a lot of new posches, there is the porsche GT3 which is the best in my opinion|||If I were in your position I'd hold off for a few months and buy it used. The high end auto market is way soft, you should be able to get a great car with low miles for 1/4 the price.|||Don't buy either. They're both overpriced P.O.S.'s. Not like you're actually going to. Someone that earns enough money for one of those cars would be able to afford typing lessons.|||Get the car that drinks less petrol and cost less for the insurance and the cheapest|||Does either offer a hybrid motor option?|||Since you have not done homework or are just dreaming, there are many models of each so no one can give answer.

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