Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Will I ever be able to afford a Lamborghini Murcielago ?

O.K. so I'm 17 planning to go to a medical school to be a surgeon or a anesthesiologist. Ever since I was little my dream car was a Lamborghini Murcielago. What should I do to be able to save enough money to purchase one? I'm not materialistic or am doing this for a social status.|||If you are a surgeon then you can definately get one. A Murcielago isn't a car you "save up" to get. It's a car that you can buy cash without it really affecting you. Don't be one of those stupid rich people who live paycheck to paycheck. If it makes you feel better I know of a surgeon on Fchat who owns 5 Ferraris and 2 Porsche's. |||keep ur spirits high and u will be on a treasure

all the best|||Hopefully you get the job, you save up, and get the car

|||Your tastes match my own, that's my dream car too. Even with a successful medical career these cars will likely be out of your price range, especially considering how much you will likely have to borrow for medical school. Good luck.|||It's called a dream car for a reason. You might be lucky to have one ... someday.|||look around the web... you can usually find them cheaper... i found a lamborghini countach for like 18,000$

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